Prayer Works

I recently found myself running in circles, overthinking various dynamics and relationships in my life. Normally in these situations I would send God a few quick prayers via slingshot, and then begin to problem solve. While this is an okay way of coping with hard stuff, it's not perfect. Primarily because d eep down I often yearn to control the situation. I want the solution to be according to my will , instead of God's greatest desire and hope for us. So this time around, I tried something different. I began to pray for the person on my mind, without prescription, simply that God would be with us, guide us, and bless us. The next thing I knew, I was praying for every person I anticipated encountering that day, and those that I would come to meet unexpectedly. It was freeing. So that night, I did it again, this time praying for every person and situation I had encountered during the day, and all those I was anticipating tomorrow. This time, it fe...