How do we respond to the Herod-like figures in our lives?

Each Epiphany we hear this gospel text from Matthew , featuring the holy family, wise men, and Herod the Great. This year, I thought we might explore some of the antagonistic behaviors of Herod. There are some similarities between Herod’s choices and behaviors, and those we’ve seen in recent history on the news, and to a lesser extent, experience in our lives and within ourselves. How do we respond to the Herod-like figures in our lives? Or the Herod-like behaviors within ourselves? But first, let’s begin with Herod. Biographers describe Herod the Great as a complicated figure.* The Roman Empire appointed him to govern the region of Judea on their behalf, promoting Hellenistic culture, better known to us as Greek culture. He worked well under Caesar, Cassius, Antony, and Octavian Augustus, quickly shifting allegiances with every change in leadership. Yet Herod was not from a Roman background himself. He was an aristocrati...