Teaching Sermon: The Christian Scriptures

Last month, Molly offered the first of two teaching sermons on the Christian Bible. She focused on the Hebrew Scriptures , and began by talking about the labels we use when referring to these sacred texts. The Hebrew Scriptures are better known in Christian circles as the Old Testament , and are sometimes referred to as the First Covenant . Like Molly, I don't use the label Old Testament because of its negative connotations. Instead, like many others, we refer to these sacred texts as the Hebrew Scriptures . For me, this label is a helpful reminder that Jesus of Nazareth, in birth and death, was a practicing Jew; and that these sacred texts were the ones he learned, inwardly digested, and informed his teachings of God’s love and grace. Today, I’ll offer the second teaching sermon on the Christian Bible, focusing on the Christian Scriptures. These sacred texts are better known in Christian circles as the New Testament , and are...