What does it mean to be the Church today - Part 2

Believe it or not, once upon a time, a young carpenter and religious leader took up an advice column for the Galilean Times. This was the most recent letter that he received: Dear Jesus of Nazareth, I am so glad you’ve started this advice column. Next weekend I am supposed to go to a Sabbath meal with several other influential community members. This being my first time joining them, I am unsure of the etiquette. Most especially, where do I sit? Sincerely, Anonymously Anxious This was the advice given: Dear Anonymously Anxious, So often at these gatherings we want to sit near the host and the most distinguished guests. To the degree that we will sometimes strategize how to get the best seat. I do not recommend this course of action. When we go after the best seats, our actions are telling others just how important we believe we are, and risk putting our host, other guests, and ourselves in a truly awkward position....