And who is my neighbor?

There are two important things happening in today’s gospel lesson. 1 An exchange between Jesus and a lawyer, who fires off a line of questioning that he hopes will trip Jesus up. Is this well known parable, The Good Samaritan , which might be more aptly named, The Good Neighbor . The lawyer who approaches Jesus would have been an expert in Jewish law, and he was quite deliberate in his questioning. 2 He asks: What must I do to inherit eternal life? (v.25) Now, Jesus is wise, and knows exactly what this lawyer is up to. He playfully uses the law as a teaching moment. Jesus asks: What is written in the law? What do you read there? (v.26) The lawyer references two passages: In Deuteronomy, the law says we are to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind. (6:5) In Leviticus, the law says we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. (19:18) Jesus affirms that the lawyer has indeed given the right answer, and te...