Teaching Sermon: Confession & Healing

Today’s teaching sermon is about confession and healing . I want to preface by observing that throughout the gospels, Jesus teaches in word and action, that God’s desire is for our health and wellbeing .* The health and wellness of: our bodies, minds, and spirits; our relationships - with God and one another; and our communities. The Church’s rituals around confession and healing are grounded in this truth, and exist to help us when we are in need of healing and wellness. Let’s begin by exploring confession. There are really two forms of confession. First, our tradition has a general confession that we say at nearly every worship; which in a service of Holy Eucharist would follow the Prayers of the People. I promise, the point of the general confession is not to make us feel small, inadequate, and guilt ridden. Honestly, most of us talk to, or about, ourselves in harsher ways than God or anyone else ever would. The point of the...