Teaching Sermon: Confirmation & Marriage

Have you ever wondered how many sacraments we have in the Episcopal Church? If so, this is your lucky day. Our tradition affirms there are two sacraments and five sacramental rites . They have two key distinctions. First, sacraments were given by Christ to the Church, whereas sacramental rites were instituted by the Church through the guidance of the Holy Spirit . (1/ 2) Second, sacraments are understood as essential for all Christians, while sacramental rites are not. ( 1) In other words, some people will be called to partake in one or more of these rites, but it’s not imperative for all Christians. Having covered the two sacraments in previous sermons, we’ll spend the next few teaching sermons getting better acquainted with the five sacramental rites. These are: confirmation; marriage; ordination; reconciliation of a penitent - a form of personal confession; and unc...