The Art of Community Discernment
Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians is quite intriguing. Some of his letters offer general counsel and teachings to early church communities. A bit like when Bishop Doug writes a letter to all the churches in our diocese. Other letters, like this one to the early church in Corinth, are written to a single community facing particular concerns. It really gives a vibrant picture of what was going on in the community, which has been an insightful gift to other church communities throughout history. What we are reading is Paul’s reply to a letter he received from the Corinthians, where they had identified several issues their community was contending with: marriage, food sacrificed to idols, and spiritual gifts. The latter is addressed in today’s passage. There was tension within the community, as some members were placing a higher value on certain spiritual gifts, particularly the ability to speak in tongues. This was then exasperated by the fact that some memb...