
In last Sunday’s reading from Proverbs , we heard about the essential role a fearless and empowered woman could play in antiquity. This week, we heard the story of one such woman: Esther. The Book of Esther is a fictional story within a historical framework, and it is important for a few reasons:* It tells us about the survival of the Jewish people living within the Persian Empire. We learn the origins of Purim; a holiday celebrating the Jewish people being saved from genocide. Most of the star roles in scripture go to men, yet in this story, Esther is the star that shines. Before we dive into Esther’s story, a word of caution. Ordinarily, the hero of a story is the person we might relate to the most, imagining how our own heroes are emulating similar actions and leadership in today’s context. Yet for many of us living in North America, with a fair amount of privilege and access to resources, we actually have more in com...