We are the seeds

In today’s lesson from Mark’s gospel we see Jesus teaching the gathered people about the kindom of God. (1 & 2) The first parable compares the kindom of God to a seed, which someone has scattered on the ground, and after several days notices that the seed has sprouted and seems to grow more every day. The one who scatters the seed has no idea how this seed is transforming. It would seem the earth herself is producing the stalk, then the grain, and then the full grain head. With time, the grain becomes ripe and is harvested. The second parable compares the kindom of God to a mustard seed, which when scattered on the ground grows somewhere between 6-20 feet tall, and with branches stretching as wide as 20 feet. (3) How incredible that such a tiny seed could grow into such a massive plant, as well as become a habitat for area birds. So what is Jesus getting at with all this talk of seeds? It would seem he is trying to tell the gat...