Loving Creation

Last Sunday, Molly talked to us about gratitude. She reminded us that for the author of John’s Gospel, it was critical for listeners to understand the truly generous nature of our God. n fact, the author uses the phrase, “given by God”, 75 times. God’s generosity is extravagant, radical, and abundant. And the only possible response on our part, is gratitude for such humbling, life-changing generosity. To that end, Molly encouraged us to make a list of 100 things we are grateful for . If you haven’t made your list yet, take ten minutes and do it today. You will be glad you did. These lists proclaim the breadth and depth of God’s abundant generosity, as well as our call to live a life of gratitude. Today’s psalm (104) reminds us that God’s generosity is not limited to humanity. In fact, God gives to every living thing, and all that has life is called to take a posture of gr...