
Showing posts from May, 2021

Loving Creation

Last Sunday,  Molly  talked to us about gratitude.  She reminded us that for the author of John’s Gospel, it was critical for listeners to understand the truly generous nature of our God.  n fact, the author uses the phrase,  “given by God”,  75 times.   God’s generosity is extravagant, radical, and abundant.  And the only possible response on our part, is gratitude for such humbling, life-changing generosity.  To that end, Molly encouraged us to make a list of  100 things we are grateful for .  If you haven’t made your list yet, take ten minutes and do it today.  You will be glad you did.  These lists proclaim the breadth and depth of God’s abundant generosity, as well as our call to live a life of gratitude.  Today’s psalm (104) reminds us that God’s generosity is not limited to humanity.  In fact, God gives to every living thing, and   all   that has life   is called to take a posture of gr...

We are the branches

In late March, when there seems to be a mix of mud and stubborn piles of snow that are more grey than white, I like to drive down to Black Birch Vineyard.  The vineyard is located off a dirt road in Hatfield, Massachusetts.  When you approach the entrance, it is hard not to take a breath and appreciate the beauty of the unfolding scene.  Even in the muted tones of winter's end, on the horizon are row after row of different varieties of grapevines and branches that you know are simply waiting to come fully alive in the summer.  When I look out upon the field of grapevines and branches, all I see is potential, and it gives me such hope.  The potential of what is possible after a long winter's rest; the potential of what might unfold as the buds come alive in the spring; and the hope for a batch of grapes that will produce beautiful wines.  ​ I wonder if that is how God, our Creator and Vinegrower, sees us?  A photo of Black Birch Vineyard from their Face...