What does God need from us right now?

Our passage today focuses on Jesus’ royal entrance into Jerusalem for Passover.It’s easy to imagine: Leafy branches waving in the air and scattering the path. Jesus riding on a colt. The energetic crowd cheering and singing ‘Hosanna’. The procession probably felt similar to when we have watched floats and marching bands pass by the church for the Franklin County Fair parade; or the parades held in Boston after one of our regional teams won a national title; or like the crowds gathered for a presidential inauguration. We know what that energy and fun feels like in our bones. This kind of procession has an air of triumph and provides a common bond amongst the gathered people. Yet we know where this journey through Holy Week will take us. It will be this same crowd, or a very similar one, who days later will be crying out, ‘Crucify him’. After the storming of the capital on January 6, we know all too well how a crowd’s purpose can shift in an instant, from bo...