
Forty is a biblical number denoting a very long time . The Israelites were in the wilderness forty years . Jesus was in the wilderness forty days . And we have been in our own wilderness for three hundred and forty seven days .* It has been a very long time , indeed. A long time since we broke bread together. Since we felt that peace which passeth all understanding as it spreads throughout our entire body as we receive communion alongside our fellow parishioners. Such a very long time since we harmonized a favorite hymn or embraced one another in a hug or handshake at the Peace. For the first time in our lives, we may now have a glimmer of understanding for what it was like for the Israelites wandering or for Jesus wrestling with his identity in the wilderness. Before it was just a story, and now, as a community we understand the quality , the feel in our bones, of what it means when we say a very long time . When we began...