The Power of Love

Today’s lesson from the Hebrew Scriptures contrasts two different responses to the voice of God. Let’s begin by looking at the story of Eli and his household, which begins a couple of chapters earlier. Eli is the established leader in the temple, and he is anything but ideal. Hannah, Samuel’s mother, comes into the temple to pray at the beginning of 1 Samuel, and Eli confuses her prayer for drunkenness (1:12-18) . An indication of his dimming senses and grossly off balance intuition. ( We likely have all experienced getting away from our self-care and relationship routines--with God or loved ones. When we do, things easily can get off balance and we begin missing things that might seem obvious to onlookers). Possibly of far greater concern is Eli’s complete and utter failure at managing the behavior of his sons, who serve as priests in the temple. His sons have completely misunderstood the responsibilities of priestly ministry. They are a...