Emmaus Incidents

Today’s gospel lesson is taken from Luke, where we witness a Shakespearian like story on the day of resurrection. It begins with two disciples who have made the decision to travel from Jerusalem to Emmaus. While we do not know the reason for their travel, or what life might hold for them in Emmaus, we do know what they are leaving behind. The leader who had evoked so much hope within them had been arrested, tried, killed, and buried. They found themselves heartbroken and suddenly lacking a purpose. This grief was only compounded when some of the disciples discovered the burial tomb was empty. Another strange factor, in what felt like an impossibly hopeless situation. So these two disciples did what we all must do in the face of tragedy and uncertainty: they kept going. They got up, bid farewell to Jerusalem, and began the seven mile walk to Emmaus. Along the way, they encounter a fellow traveler. In an unexpected plot twist, we the l...