Dear Church: Let's Embrace an Open Table

Dear Church, It is time for us to embrace an open table. The Gifts of God for the People of God. This is God’s table and all are welcome here. No exceptions. These are the words I say each and every time I celebrate the eucharist (communion, mass, Lord’s Supper). Numerous other pastors, priests, and bishops say these, or similar words, at the tender moment in our worship when the gathered people come forward to receive the everyday items of bread and wine. We do not fully understand it, but we know that somehow Christ is really and truly present in the bread and wine. They nourish us with peace, grace, unconditional love, and acceptance. It is sacred, indeed. Maybe it is the sacredness of the experience that has prevented us from embracing an open table. The official teaching of the Episcopal Church (the denomination I serve), is that all baptized Christians are invited to come forward to receive the bread and wine. Those who are not baptized may come forwa...