
Have you ever found yourself putting one foot in front of the other, unsure of where exactly you are going, but certain you must be going someplace ? While walking in nearby woods, I often will stumble upon unexplored side trails. My curiosity piqued, I’ll venture down the new path and find myself getting lost in the woods. If after several minutes have passed, I feel more lost then the last time I paused to find my bearings, I’ll decide whether to return the way I came or forge ahead, trusting the path will deliver me someplace recognizable. Some days I courageously forge ahead, others I stand stuck, unsure of what to do, and still other days I retreat from the overwhelming unknown. When I am uncertain of where I am going, I know God is with me. Particularly when I am too distracted by my own internal noise to feel God’s presence. As I journey onward, I put one foot in front of the other and the internal noise softens as a steady calm and cla...