Better Together (Emerging Sunday)

On the day of Resurrection, most of the disciples were gathered together in one house. They were still mulling over the news that Jesus’ body had been removed from the tomb, when Mary came bursting in, announcing she had ‘seen the Lord’ . Yet instead of rejoicing, the disciples got up, and locked the doors. They were afraid. Maybe they were afraid this was some cruel power move by leaders at the Temple, in order to finally put an end to the Jesus Movement. Maybe they were afraid that Mary, in her grief, had completely lost her mind. Maybe they were afraid that it was true. What does it mean to see the dead rise? What were the disciples supposed to do now? This information overwhelmed them, terrified them. Like children afraid of the shadows moving in their room at night, they closed their eyes, and pretended nothing was happening. We can likely all relate to that feeling. Being so afraid of the unknown, of the possibl...